(Extracted from Delta Press Center)
Delta's annual Technology Advisory Board (TAB) meeting was held on January 17, 2007 in Tongli Lakeview Hotel in Suzhou, China, hosted by Delta's CTO, Mr. Sam Liang. The purpose of the meeting was to share with the participants Delta's latest technology and research results as well as the development trend of our technology, market and products in the past year (2006). High energy efficiency, high power density, and digital control were just a few of the topics discussed in the meeting.
The participants included Delta's Chairman Bruce Cheng, CEO Yancey Hai, Delta's technical advisors and directors and RDs from Delta's business groups, business units and affiliated companies around the world including the electromechanical business unit (EMBU).
The guest speakers invited to the meeting this year spoke on the topic "Power Electronics Trends: Challenges and Opportunities - Outsider's and Insider's View". Additionally, the Industrial Automation business group presented the technological developments and trends of the AC servo drive.
Chairman Bruce Cheng stated in the meeting that for the future technological development, Delta will focus on three aspects. First, we will follow the trend of digitalization. Second, we will develop new software and integrate the existing components into a systematic product and offer more comprehensive service to our customers. Last, but no least, we will put more emphasis on saving energy. For example, every plant will keep records of the data relevant to environmental protection, including data of how much electricity and water we have saved, as well as, how much green house gas emission we have reduced. |