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New Product: E-CAM Function in Delta's DVP-PM Motion Control PLC

In using the traditional mechanical cam, we have to first make sure the motion requirement and next decide the type of the machine and the motion curve in order to design the curve for the cam and analyze the design result. If we would like the function of the cam to be exerted to its fullness, we will have to understand how to design it and the limit of the cam. However, changing the output motion and the motion features of the cam require re-design and production of the cam, which is very inconvenient to designers.

Delta ' s new motion control PLC: DVP-PM series offers E-CAM function. Designers are able to use Delta's PMSoft software to plan the position of the master and slave axes, which helps designers to organize the motion curve of the E-CAM without having to produce the actual CAM again. This greatly reduces the money and time designers have to invest in the development of the machine. In addition, the E-CAM is able to conduct rapid acceleration/deceleration and high-speed operation but still maintain the accuracy of the position at the same time, effectively enhancing the productivity of the machine.

The E-CAM Delta ' s DVP-PM series motion control PLC has been successfully applied in high-speed winding machines, high-speed soap cutting machines, wave generators, wood cutting machines, metal flying shear, tenoning machines and many others.

More information on Delta's DVP-PM series motion control PLC, visit our website.
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