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Jan. and Feb., 2015 No.92
Success Stories

Delta IA Achieves Precise Positioning Control for Laser Welding

Many industries nowadays are developing green energy technologies to meet global demand for environmentally-friendly and energy-saving products, such as energy efficient batteries. The lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) or LFP battery is favored for use by hybrid and electric vehicles for its high discharge power, fast charging, long cycle life, and more.

Welding during the production of LFP batteries is used to connect the battery cap and case. Positioning control in...

Delta CNC Solution for Smart Device Shell Processing

Smart devices such as smart phones and tablets have made our lives more convenient. To many consumers, smart devices are more than just communication tools, but also symbols of taste and personality. Consumers desire many unique products and accessories, which encourages manufacturers to improve product quality and equipment performance.

Delta Industrial Automation recently helped a ...

Delta Industrial Automation News

Delta EMEA Partner Event 2014 Heightens Delta’s Commitment to Partners and Customers

Delta held its EMEA Partner Event 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand under the theme "From Components to Solutions". Delta welcomed nearly 130 channel partners from Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Delta’s Chairman Mr. Yancey Hai and Chief Brand Officer SS Guo also joined the event.

During the partner event, Mr. Yancey Hai respectively presented the company's strategy and CSR achievements, and Chief Brand Officer SS Guo introduced Delta's global branding activities ...

Delta IABG and SYN-TEK Sign 2015 Cooperation Contract with Taiwanese Distributors

Delta’s Industrial Automation Business Group (IABG) and its new affiliate, SYN-TEK Automation Co. (SYN-TEK), once again signed annual cooperation contracts for 2015 with three Taiwanese distributors: ACE Pillar Co. (ACE Pillar), Ltd., USE Electronics Co. (USE Electronics), Ltd., and Jidien Co., Ltd. (Jidien). The contract signing ceremony was held at the end of 2014 to celebrate last year’s success and the coming 2015.

Jidien President Mr. Shang-te Seng, ACE Pillar President Mr. John C. C. Lin, and ...

Event Review: Delta Industrial Automation Showcases HVAC Solution at AHR Expo in the U.S.

Delta attended the 2015 AHR Expo (Air-conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition) for the HVAC industry from Jan. 26th to 28th in Chicago, USA, and presented its latest energy solutions and industrial automation products.

"By leveraging our leading technology in power electronics and thermal management, we are able to provide smarter and greener building energy management solutions for various industries as well as commercial applications. With Delta's solutions, our Taoyuan Technology Center saved 47% in ...

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