Industrial Automation E-News Publications:

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  Vol. Date Headline
  51 2011/07 Automation Control Leads to the Future! Meet Delta Industrial Automation at TIROS
  50 2011/06 Best Partnership Brings Successful Future-Delta Industrial Automation South East Asia Distributor Conference 2011
  49 2011/04 The IABU Delivers the Best Cake for Delta Electronics’ 40th Birthday Celebration
  48 2011/03 Thinking ahead for our customers - Delta IABU Solutions
  47 2011/02 Excellent Brand Promotion Leads to a Successful Brand Image
  46 2011/01 Growing amid Adversity and Meeting Change-Delta IABU on the Road to Success
  45 2010/12 2010-A Year of Success for Delta's IABU
  44 2010/11 Excellent Purchase Experiences Build the Best Brand Image
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